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86,400...Make It Count!

86,400, what does this number mean? There are 86,400 seconds in a day and its up to YOU how you use them. I encourage you each day to plan, execute and accomplish your goals. Here are a few tips to jump start your day and to get full use of your 86,400 seconds.

Make a Plan

Proverbs 21:5 says, "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." Planning is essential to a successful day. This is not to say that unexpected things will not come, but creating a plan enables you to maneuver through the day with ease. I love to use post it notes and check boxes to help me with my daily plan. At the start of my day, I set three goals to accomplish and write them on my checklist. When I accomplish these three goals, I reward myself. The rewards is small, but it's usually something like more journaling time, or even a sweet treat. If you're tech savvy you could also use Momentum offered free through Google Chrome. These tools enable you to organize your day and help to decrease the likelihood of distractions.

Read Daily

Warren Buffet recently stated that he reads at least 500 pages daily. I'm not there yet, but I have dedicated at least 30 minutes daily for reading. Power is found between the pages of books. There are millions of authors that offer unique tips to enhance your skills, improve your life, and add golden nuggets to your toolbox. I encourage you to find a good book or two that will influence you towards a new skill and an overall better outlook on life. You can learn so much through reading, but 24% of Adult Americans say they haven't read a book in the past year. Not sure where to start? Check out my top five all time favorites below:

1. Soar! By: Bishop TD Jakes

2.The Alchemist By: Paulo Coelho

3. 7 Mile Miracle By: Steven Furtick

4. Who Moved My Cheese? By Spencer Johnson, M.D.

5.21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by: John C. Maxwell

*Quick tip, not sure where to get your books? Start at your local library. The local library offers an array of book titles on different topics. Also try available for download from the Apple or Android store. They offer millions of quality used books at affordable prices.

Move More, Sit Less

How could you talk about the day without including something about exercise? I'll be honest, I am not one for traditional exercise, such as gyms and structured regimens. But I do love to walk and occasionally ride bikes through the park. I use my lunch break to get a few extra steps in daily and time right after work to take a stroll around the neighborhood. Exercise is doable and you can find easy ways to incorporate more exercise into your day.

Balance Your Meals

When I hear the word balance, I often think of a balancing beam and this often equivalents to a struggle to maintain. I want to change our view on the phrase balance and give you a different perspective. Meal planning can seem difficult if you approach this concept with idea that you must constrict yourself from the foods you like. I often tell clients meal planning is nothing more than being intentional about what you consume. There's a quote that goes, you are what you eat. Essentially this is true if you think about how different foods interact with your digestive system. You have to power to become something amazing and you only limit that power when you don't take the time to understand what fuels you. Planning your meals can be done easily if you understand how foods affect your body and what foods give you the energy to be the best you.

Make Time For Your Hobby

If you're like most of the world, you work hard. My day starts at 5:00am and doesn't end until 11:00pm most nights. I am constantly moving and rarely have spare time to spend on my hobbies except if I plan them. I can not stress how important it is to plan time for your hobbies. One of my favorite hobbies includes journaling by the lake. My wife and I enjoy this time by the lake and watch the squirrels play in the sand. Seems simple, but this time is vital to stay refreshed and to remove the distractions from the day.

Give Thanks

Whether you're a religious person or not, we all have something to be thankful for. I choose to give thanks through prayer and meditation daily. I find this to be the most sacred time of my day as it enables me to get in tune with myself and channel my inner-being. You can use prayer, meditation or other forms of giving thanks such as charity and community volunteer work. Find what works best for you and make time to give thanks.

You are blessed with 86,400 seconds a day, Make Them Count. You have the power to use this time to become a better you than you were yesterday. Subscribe to my blog today and get the 86400 Shirt for only $10.00. That's right, wear it proudly as a reminder that you have the power to change and influence your day. Be Well!

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